Community Health Centres for
905 451 6959 Ext 122

Reinforcing our Commitment to Health Equity
Advocating for Health Equity
"Equal Access to Prescription Medicine should be a right! Every year at least 3 million Canadians are unable to fill their prescriptions due to cost. As a result, many Canadians split or skip doses to try to make medications last longer which leads to health complications."
Source: The case for a national drug coverage program
Campaign for National Drug Coverage
"Universal public coverage of prescription drugs was recommended by the 1964 Royal Commission on Health Services (Hall Commission), the 1997 National Forum on Health and the 2002 Royal Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow Commission). These commissions, and more recent bodies of evidence, suggest that implementing universal public drug coverage that is both comprehensive and evidence based would be the best way to ensure the accessibility, affordability and appropriateness of medicine use in Canada."
Source: A Better Prescription: Advice for a National Strategy on Pharmaceutical Policy in Canada.
Morgan SG, Gagnon MA, Mintzes B, Lexchin J
Healthc Policy. 2016 Aug; 12(1):18-36.